I received my first installment of “Tour Talk” from CrossRoads Cycling Adventures today. CrossRoads is the “sponsor” of my upcoming Coast to Coast bike trip and for the next 14 months they will be sending information regarding the trip.

Right at the beginning of the publication they state that “the ideal target goal should be to maintain 15 mph on a thirty-mile ride over rolling terrain.” Well, I know I’m not that fast so I figured I had better set some benchmarks to determine just how much progress I should make before the tour starts in May. I picked a fairly standard route for this cyclists in this area: starting at my home on the southwest side of Topeka, KS and traveling to and from Dover, KS. For the out-going trip, I’m using the K4 route and for the return, a couple of county secondary roads. See today’s statistics and maps below:

Ride Stats from my house to Dover via K4.

Distance12 miTotal Time45 min
Total Ascent482 ftMax Elev.1,094 ft
Avg HR125 bpmMax HR153 bpm
Wind DirNWind Speed5 mph
Low Temp35 FHigh Temp35 F
Cycling from my home to Dover via K4.
For more detail see: https://www.strava.com/activities/10635006588

Ride Stats return to my house from Dover via county roads

Distance12 miTotal Time48 min
Total Ascent738 ftMax Elev.1,202 ft
Avg HR129 bpmMax HR147 bpm
Wind DirNWind Speed5 mph
Low Temp35 FHigh Temp35 F
Cycling from Dove back to my house.
For my detail see: https://www.strava.com/activities/10635219037

So the short story is I’m not doing too bad. However, these routes are relatively flat so that tells me I’ve still got work to do.

But, now I’ve got a couple of benchmarks to which I can judge my progress.

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