Tag: Training

  • Two Benchmarks

    I received my first installment of “Tour Talk” from CrossRoads Cycling Adventures today. CrossRoads is the “sponsor” of my upcoming Coast to Coast bike trip and for the next 14 months they will be sending information regarding the trip. Right at the beginning of the publication they state that “the ideal target goal should be…

  • Back On Two Wheels

    Ride Stats Distance 11 mi Total Time 1 hr 15 min Total Ascent 1,014 ft Max Elev. ft Avg HR 117 bpm Max HR 149 bpm Wind Dir S Wind Speed 5 mph Low Temp 32 F High Temp 35 F The roads are mostly clear so I had to get out. Felt great.

  • January Miles II

    As expected, the weather won again. (So did the Chiefs!!) Only 1 (short and cold) day of riding and as the following images show, we were lucky to find that day. Next week’s weather forecast is looking a bit dicey as well. (Monday 50% chance freezing rain, Tuesday Chance for freezing rain, Wednesday 60% chance…

  • January Miles

    As expected, the accumulated mileage for this week was minimal. Short story: It’s too cold to be outside. Long story: It’s too dang cold to be outside! So, it’s leg and core workouts for this guy. Only 11 miles during our cOld Phogey ride. And I’m not expecting next week to show much of an…

  • 2024 – First Week

    A pretty decent start to 2024. I was able to work in 207 miles. In fact, for this time of year, I’d say “Outstanding!” Each ride was kind of chilly (Maybe even cold!) and a bunch of slush on Saturday. I’ll take it. Next week’s totals are guaranteed to fall off as I have several…

  • Let’s just see what happens.

    Let’s just see what happens.

    Ride Stats Distance 64 mi Total Time 5 hr 11 min Total Ascent 2,779 ft Max Elev. 1,266 ft Avg HR 105 bpm Max HR 147 bpm Wind Dir ESE Wind Speed 5 mph Low Temp 30 F High Temp 35 F For more detail see: It was another coolish ride today. Fortunately, we all…

  • Phogey Ride

    Ride Stats Distance 62 mi Total Time 5 hr Total Ascent 2,159 ft Max Elev. 1,091 ft Avg HR 111 bpm Max HR 142 bpm Wind Dir SW Wind Speed 5 – 15 mph Low Temp 36 F High Temp 43 F Today was Phogey Ride, #657. The base ride was about 30 miles, but…

  • 2024 Begins

    2024 Begins

    Ride Stats Distance 35 mi Total Time 2 hr 30 min Total Ascent 2,110 ft Max Elev. 1,262 ft Avg HR 119 bpm Max HR 146 bpm Wind Dir N Wind Speed 6 mph Low Temp 32 F High Temp 37 F Nothing really significant to report but it sure felt good getting out and…

  • It’s Been a Minute!

    I haven’t posted since November 6th. My excuse(s)? For one, I’ve been moving this blog from one provider to another. (Former URL: kkupr.me. Current, and hopefully final URL: www.kemsepicadventures.org.) Another primary reason is I’ve either been working out or resting body and sole with family/holiday time. So here’s how things stand at this moment: May…

  • Lube Job in Room 3!

    (Originally posted 6 November 2023) Back in early August I was playing doubles pickleball, and getting my hiney handed to me. In frustration, I made an ill-advised leap for a ball, landed funny on my left leg and crumpled to the ground. Of course, having been raised in my family, I kept playing until the…

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