Ride Stats

Distance62 miTotal Time5 hr
Total Ascent2,159 ftMax Elev.1,091 ft
Avg HR111 bpmMax HR142 bpm
Wind DirSWWind Speed5 – 15 mph
Low Temp36 FHigh Temp43 F
For more detail see: https://www.strava.com/activities/10482193011

Today was Phogey Ride, #657. The base ride was about 30 miles, but since I road my bike to/from the official starting point and because I added a few additional miles at the end, I was able to stretch this ride into my first metric century of the year.

The weather conditions were a bit cool and, as always, we headed off into the wind. Of course that meant we had a dandy push back into the home stretch.

Phogey riders following our traditional end-of-ride coffee run at Casey’s.

The Old Phogeys

Since this is my first post concerning The Old Phogeys I should provide some context.

This Old Phogeys Ride is a weekly ride that has been running continuously for 657 weeks. — And counting. The ride consists primarily of retirees and, occasionally, some wannabes. It’s a good group of folks that make riding fun. I started riding as a Phogey back in 2015 following my retirement.

BTW: Most of the Phogeys do know how to spell. But, legend has it, that the keyboard for the original and self-appointed Phogey-scribe’s computer was missing the “F” key so he had to improvise and use “Ph” instead.

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