Lube Job in Room 3!

(Originally posted 6 November 2023)

Back in early August I was playing doubles pickleball, and getting my hiney handed to me. In frustration, I made an ill-advised leap for a ball, landed funny on my left leg and crumpled to the ground. Of course, having been raised in my family, I kept playing until the game was over. (We won!)

The next day I couldn’t walk.

Fearing this mishap might impact my dreams of a coast-to-coast ride I went to my regular physician to get my knee checked out. He agreed it would be wise to find out what’s happening, ordered some X-rays, and booked me with an orthopedic surgeon. — In the words of Scooby Doo: “Ruh Roh!”

I met with the ortho. this morning. After explaining my mishap he scowled and said “Bull! You’ve been having this problem a lot longer than a couple of months! The X-rays tell the real story.”

He showed me where my cartilage was “losing tread and getting a little bit worn…You’re 68, what did you expect?” The pickleball mishap was just the proverbial straw that caused things to manifest.

Following that he explained how some actions (e.g. jumping and jogging) don’t mix well with 68 year old men. However, pickleball ( as long as I don’t get carried away) is OK and cycling is great! Someday I might need a new knee; but for now a cortisone shot will be fine. Then he poked his head out the door and hollered to his nurse, “Lube job in room 3!”

My left knee. Notice how small the cartilage gap is on the left side.
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