Category: Solo Ride

  • Beware the Ides of March

    Beware the Ides of March

    This week has played out like a really bad Good News/Bad News joke. First the good news: I was feeling good and crushing the miles. My plan was to finish yesterday strong (March 15), push for a century today, and put in a solid 40+ tomorrow to end the week. My projected weekly miles would…

  • Picking Back Up

    Although I didn’t have any major rides this week, I was able to put in a few middlin’ rides that added up to 200 plus. Rides this week included Old Phogey (“A”), Old Phogey (“B”), Show-and-Go, and a couple of solo shots to round everything up. Next week will be way down as we’re doing…

  • Two Benchmarks

    I received my first installment of “Tour Talk” from CrossRoads Cycling Adventures today. CrossRoads is the “sponsor” of my upcoming Coast to Coast bike trip and for the next 14 months they will be sending information regarding the trip. Right at the beginning of the publication they state that “the ideal target goal should be…

  • Has the Worm Turned?

    Ride Stats Distance 22 mi Total Time 1 hr 30 min Total Ascent 1,342 ft Max Elev. 1,253 ft Avg HR 115 bpm Max HR 145 bpm Wind Dir N Wind Speed 6 mph Low Temp 35 F High Temp 37 F A pretty decent feeling ride today. Coupled with weights this morning — with…

  • 2024 – First Week

    A pretty decent start to 2024. I was able to work in 207 miles. In fact, for this time of year, I’d say “Outstanding!” Each ride was kind of chilly (Maybe even cold!) and a bunch of slush on Saturday. I’ll take it. Next week’s totals are guaranteed to fall off as I have several…

  • 2024 Begins

    2024 Begins

    Ride Stats Distance 35 mi Total Time 2 hr 30 min Total Ascent 2,110 ft Max Elev. 1,262 ft Avg HR 119 bpm Max HR 146 bpm Wind Dir N Wind Speed 6 mph Low Temp 32 F High Temp 37 F Nothing really significant to report but it sure felt good getting out and…

  • Century Day

    (Entry originally posted 14 October 2023) I know we will have the opportunity to ride several centuries during our Coast to Coast ride next year. (A century ride is 100 or more miles.) So I decided it was time to see how my post middle aged body would handle the ordeal. — All in all,…

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